Our Staff

Gary Williams


There is an expression (something like this) "We are now who we were when we were 10 years old."  When I was 10 I loved being outdoors, riding my bike, exploring the neighborhood and local empty lots overgrown with Ragweed and other "prairie" plants, catching butterflies and bees, and working on my bike. I also raised tropical fish.  I don't have the tropical fish now but I still love exploring, riding my bike and being around water life.

Founder & Leader SOAC: 27 yrs

School Bus Driver: 15 yrs

Master's Degree in Community Mental Health

Taught: Middle School Math & Science: 4 yrs

                  High School Math & Science: 4 yrs

                  Part time Instructor, MATC: 20 yrs

Elementary Guidance Counselor: 15 yrs

Mental Health Consultant Tri County Human Services: 10 yrs


World Peace Through Bicycles and 10 Year Olds

Learning outdoors

What to do in the Woods

Wingin’ It--Nature Education

Warm Simple Wisdom for Caring Parents

Simple Reminders for Caring Teachers